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本日、SUNNY DAY HOSTELは 1周年を迎えました!


SUNNY DAY HOSTELは、来ていただけるゲストの皆様により素晴らしい経験を提供するために、常に進化し続ける為の努力を惜しみません。その点で唯一無二のホステルになることを目指し、日々精進して参ります。

これからも、SUNNY DAY HOSTELをよろしくお願いいたします。

It just has been one year today since we opened SUNNY DAY HOSTEL. We are glad and thankful that so many guests have visited Sunny day Hostel since our opening date, September 13th, 2017.

There were various events during the past year.

We really hope that those who stayed at Sunny Day Hotel had precious and great experience here.

We sure will keep making utmost effort to provide everyone the great and best service for your visit at Takamatsu in Japan.

Please let us express our sincere appreciation to you for you coming here.

We are really grateful that we could meet all of our guests!!

Thanks a million.

SUNNY DAY HOSTEL General Manager

Go Matsuda 松田 剛

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